Hot Chickens = Higher Prices

Well, it’s really HOT here in California so you know the rest of the nation is sweltering as well.  From Fresno, where we get our Organic birds, to Georgia where we buy our natural birds—these areas are HOT!!  This really affects the live chicken weights and ultimately chicken prices.

Chickens, like people, don’t do well in extreme heat.  And chickens don’t have air-conditioned homes to go to for relief.  So, in the heat of the summer –birds don’t grow as fast—so there are fewer available for market—in turn the prices go up.

So, why don’t they grow as fast in the heat of the summer?  Well, do you eat as much on a hot summer day when you’re outside?  Neither do they… and they have it even worse than we do. Humans, by using our sweat glands, can somewhat cool ourselves. Well, guess what—chickens don’t have sweat glands!  Without sweat glands to cool their skin—birds rely on their respiratory system and pant to cool themselves.  The panting evaporates water from their throat to lower body temp.  So, if they’re panting to cool themselves—what aren’t they doing?  Eating!!  As a result, they don’t put on as much weight as they normally would.  Who needs Jenni Craig???!!!

Nobody likes higher chicken prices but during the heat of summer you can expect them to rise—and now you know why!!  There are fewer pounds of chicken available!!  And they didn’t even have to go to a spa!


CEO Rogers Poultry

George Saffarrans